Sunday, 27 August 2017



Sex has always played a big role in creation. Animals act on instinct and thus procreate. Humans are different. Sex has the purpose of procreation but also of bonding and enjoyment.

 When talking about sex, things like marriage, fornication, adultery, “consenting adults”, “friends with benefits”, “casual sex”, “swinging”, homosexuality, bi-sexuality”, prostitution, zoophilia, rape, incest, GSA (Genetic Sexual Attraction), “avunculate marriage”, sexbots, etc. come up.

 This is not a scientific study on sex and sexual relationships. We’ll look at general trends, behaviour of people in this field, and gather info from various sources to get a general picture of what is going on in the world of sexual relationships.

 Sex according to the Bible:
 Here I’ll refer to Kerby Anderson summary:

God created men and women in His image (Gen. 1:27) as sexual beings. But because of sin in the world (Rom. 3:23), sex has been misused and abused (Rom. 1:24-25).

A biblical perspective of human sexuality must recognize that sexual intercourse is exclusively reserved for marriage for the following purposes. First, it establishes the one-flesh union (Gen. 2:24-25; Matt. 19:4-6). Second, it provides for sexual intimacy within the marriage bond. The use of the word “know” indicates a profound meaning of sexual intercourse (Gen. 4:1). Third, sexual intercourse is for the mutual pleasure of husband and wife (Prov. 5:18-19). Fourth, sexual intercourse is for procreation (Gen. 1:28).

Sex is very powerful and can be compared to nuclear energy. Within certain specifications of containment it is very useful, without the bounds of containment it is very dangerous en even very destruct full and can cause disasters and lead to death

In the upcoming “pages” we will look closer at the various types of sexual relations for example fornication, adultery, prostitution, rape, homosexuality, pornography, sexbots, necrophilia, etc.

These pages are mainly put together from other sources, written by various people, on these matters. Credit is given and sources are quoted.


1. Secular 
a. Consensual sexual intercourse between two persons not married to each other, also adultery.

b. sex for the purpose of pleasure rather than reproduction, without the commitment of a relationship Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers

2. Biblical
Fornication also known as: sexual immorality Hebrew: zanah / Greek: porneia

“The Greek word for ‘fornication’ (porneia) could include any sexual sin committed after the betrothal contract. …In Biblical usage, ‘fornication’ can mean any sexual congress outside monogamous marriage. It thus includes not only premarital sex, but also adultery, homosexual acts, incest, remarriage after un-Biblical divorce, and sexual acts with animals, all of which are explicitly forbidden in the law as given through Moses (Leviticus 20:10-21). Christ expanded the prohibition against adultery to include even sexual lusting (Matthew 5:28).” — Henry M. Morris, Ph.D.

At what age can you consent to having sex? It varies from country to county; some of the laws are complex others simple.




1. Attitude of people concerning sex outside of marriage

On the question: Do you believe in sex before marriage? One survey in 2010 revealed the following:
·         Amongst females 28.5% said NO and 71.5% said YES.
·         Amongst males 25.9 said NO and 74.1% said Yes

Most Australian mums and dads are OK with their kids having sex before marriage but some are not so happy with them doing it in the family home. A survey of 500 parents has found 80 per cent think sex before marriage is acceptable.

From 1943 to 1999, attitudes toward premarital sex changed such that young women’s approval increased from 12% to 73% and from 40% to 79% among young men. People’s feelings of sexual guilt also decreased during this period. Nowadays, less than 25% of people believe premarital sex is “always or almost always” wrong. B.E. Wells; J.M. Twenge. "Changes in young people's sexual behavior and attitudes, 1943-1999: A cross-temporal meta-analysis". Review of General Psychology.
Premarital sex was still considered unacceptable by 30% of the population in a 2014 study, while 29% found it acceptable and 36% considered it not a moral issue. Global Views on Morality - Premarital Sex".  Pew Research Global Attitudes Project. 15 Apr 2014.

2. The behaviour of people regarding sex outside of marriage

Western nations:
The level of premarital sexual activity in Western nations is extraordinary. Establishing exact data can be elusive, but one report states that the "median age of first intercourse for American boys [is] 15.5" and "for American girls [it is] 16" (S.I. McMillen, M.D., and David Stern, M.D., None of These Diseases, 2000, p. 141).

Circumstances are similar in Britain, where "the average age for both sexes to lose their virginity is 16" (The Observer, Dec. 2, 2001).

Although these figures are bad enough, even more shocking is the rampant promiscuity among so many. For

example, among Britain's 16- to 24-year-olds, "19.7 percent of men and 14.6 percent of women have already had 10 or more partners" (The Guardian, Nov. 30, 2001).

Premarital sexual activity among French girls is also extremely high. "Whereas it used to be the case that for 50 per cent of French women their first sexual partner would be the man they would marry, by the 1990s it was only true for 10 per cent" (Angus McLaren, Twentieth-Century Sexuality: A History, 1999, p. 212).

South Africa
The most up-to-date research on the issue of teen sex in Cape Town, by Professor Alan Flisher, head of the University of Cape Town's department of psychiatry and mental health, prompted calls for intervention programmes to start in primary school, in the light of results that showed that by 14, nearly 24% of boys and 5.5% of girls had had sex.

By 19, the 2003 research found, the proportions went up to 72% for boys and 58% for girls.

The pupils canvassed were in Grades 8 and 11, from 39 high schools, and researchers found between these grades a sharp increase in the number of pupils having sex.

"For each grade, a significantly higher proportion of males had experienced sexual intercourse," they said at that time.

A total of 23.4% reported having had sex by 14. The figure jumped to 34.5% by age 15, to 45.9% by 16, 53.7% at 17, 58.3% by 18 and nearly 70% by the age of 20.

Among girls, Flisher's research showed a significant increase in sexual activity between the ages of 14 and 15.

At 14, 5.5% of girls said they had had sex. Just a year older, that figure was up to 14%. By 18, just under half the girls had had sex.
3. Concepts
Phrases and concepts like “consenting adults”, “friends with benefits”, “casual sex” “recreational sex” "no strings attached", "f**k buddies" These concepts are widely used in society today.

A number of websites and phone in clubs, where you can contact people for a “night of sex” are available. (hookingupsmart, casualsexclub, friendswithbenefitssex, f**kbuddies, etc.) This is not prostitution because there is no financial gain for either party.

“Friends with benefits”, “Recreational sex”, “Casual sex, "no strings attached", "f...buddies" doesn’t differ much from being with a prostitute, except you don’t pay – it is fornication.

 “It’s only physical” That mentality goes with you even if you one day get marries “it’s only physical” when you or your spouse cheats. That brings complication adultery and even divorce.

 FWB can go wrong, some comments from FWB

a. “The guy had a girlfriend that I didn’t know about. She walked in on us as we were having sex and started taking photos on her phone as ‘evidence’. I’ve never been so mortified. Not to mention I felt like absolute sh*t having accidentally enabled his cheating.”— Joanne, 31

b. “I fell in love with him and it broke my damn heart.” — Sara, 20

c. College, I had friends with benefits situation with a girl who lived on my dorm floor. I thought we were on the same page with everything, but then when I met someone else (who later became my girlfriend), she flipped out. She threw her drink at me at a party and wouldn’t stop screaming about what a huge asshole I am. It was embarrassing for both of us.”— Alexander, 24

d. “Well, I got pregnant.” — Anonymous, 25


Other disadvantages of this lifestyle:
·         When you one day wants to marry, is harder to commit.
·         You past an influence your marriage and your children e.g. embarrassment, commitment, temptation.
·         Psychological problems might develop.
·         Physical deceases.
·         Emotional and spiritual bonding.

Various types of emotional fallouts can doom FF. The most common type is when one of the friends gets too attached and begins wanting something more. If the other person feels differently, they will get hurt. In addition, sometimes one of the parties may become jealous if the other person starts dating someone else seriously. It can be very difficult to separate emotions from sex, but if you want to be FF that is exactly what you have to steel yourself to do.

In the worst-case scenario, the blurring of the lines between friend and lover precipitated by being FF can completely destroy a friendship.

Messing around with friends can potentially hurt your future relationships with other women. If your current girlfriend finds out (and somehow, they always do) that you used to be intimate with one of your female friends, she will instantly become jealous and suspicious of the other woman.
Difference between FWB and FB?

The way you label it. Either way, it's a recipe for pain. Someone almost always gets attached emotionally. It's a great way to destroy a relationship. I'm sure many will comment about their success stories, parleying a friendship into sexual ecstasy with no strings attached, but it's not the norm. Michelle Roses, Mother, therapist, shark diver, reporter, dancer and Wonder Woman. Answered Dec 30, 2013

Four reasons Friends With Benefits Is a Really Bad Idea

1. When you start a relationship with no boundaries–you usually stay there.

One thing that defines a friends with benefits relationship is the fact that it’s lacking boundaries. The ambiguity and unknowns guarantee that there’s no title, no rules and no commitment—so everything goes. You can make out today, “sext” tomorrow and be out on a date with someone else the next day.

The problem in relationships like this is that they don’t magically turn into healthy relationships along the way. When you start a game with no rules, it’s really hard to go back and play by the rules.

God calls us to engage in relationships that are healthy, edifying and uplifting. All throughout Scripture we’re challenged to honor one another and honor Him by setting limits with each and every interaction.

2. When you don’t expect commitment, you sell your own value short.

A huge problem in the friends with benefits culture is that you learn to give, and give, and give with no expectation or understanding of what you’ll get in return.

You give of yourself, your body, your time and your emotions without requiring a commitment. When it comes to relationships, commitment is the price to pay—the more you give, the more you should receive.

We are all highly valued–and that value has been determined by God. But friends with benefits encourages you to give for free and creates an atmosphere that fuels selfishness, disrespect and zero responsibility.

Healthy relationships require you to take ownership of your choices—and that always starts with clear commitment.

3. The physical has the power to impact the emotional and skew the rational.

We’re made to bond during physical intimacy. Whether it be a hug, a kiss or sex, our bodies are wired to release chemicals during physical intimacy that make us feel connected to the person we’re with.

That’s a really amazing thing, but it can be a really confusing thing when your mind is telling you you’re friends and your emotions are telling you something far different.

When you create a relationship that’s built on the physical, your emotions will always follow suit. But the thing is, emotions can’t always be trusted.

If you’ve decided to be just “friends” with someone, or they’ve chosen to be “friends” with you, there’s probably a good reason. Bringing in the physical will only introduce confusion and cause you to second-guess your rational thinking. That physical and emotional connection will cause you to keep coming back for more—until you find yourself in an extremely unhealthy and dangerous cycle that can leave you feeling paralyzed, stuck, and unable to move forward.

God calls us to guard our sexual interactions for a reason—because He knows how powerful those physical interactions can be.

4. Ambiguity sets you up for heartbreak.

No matter how you do it, when it comes to friends with benefits, someone will always leave hurt.

The very nature of giving without knowing what you will receive sets you up for some major disappointment.

By our very nature as humans we are wired for the experience of “give-and-take.” Go to any store, purchase any item, or interact with any human being and you’ll notice a pattern: I give something, and I get something else in return. There’s a healthy balance in that kind of interaction that leaves us feeling satisfied.

But when you engage in a relationship where you give with no commitment in return, you’re setting yourself up for some major hurt and frustration, because you’re setting yourself up to lose in the end.

No matter who you are or what you’ve been through, you’re worth far more than the pain of a one-way relationship. You owe it to yourself to embrace your God-given value, to ask for more, and to expect great things in your life and relationships.

Take ownership of the choices you make. And don’t ever blur the lines in a relationship—because the shades of gray will always disappoint.

This article was originally posted at



The media reports sometimes tells us what is part of societies moral fibre, as the following portrays.





An indication of the attitude for people regarding sex and the sanctity of marriage, look at the following incidents appearing in newspaper articles. This is but the tip of the iceberg. This portrays the attitude of young people regarding the sanctity of marriage.

A group of teenagers who had sex in a high school bathroom in Fort Myers, Florida, then posted a video of the act on social media, have been disciplined, school officials said.

A teenage girl had sex with as many as two dozen boys after school Tuesday afternoon at South Fort Myers High School, according to a Lee County Sheriff’s Office incident report.

Deputies said 25 males were spotted via a hallway camera entering the restroom while the female was inside, the News-Press reported.“A bunch of football players went into a room with a girl and had sex with her, and a bunch of the football players were suspended,” student Alex Bailey told WBBH. “So we might not have a football team this year.”

The incident involving three school pupils caught on camera having sex while on school grounds was just “the tip of the iceberg”, says the Film and Publications Board.

Chief executive Yoliswa Makhasi said they had been closely following the Jules High School case where a girl and two boys were filmed while having sex. Their main concern was that child pornography had been created and was then distributed.

The 15-year-old girl and one of the boys, a 14-year- old, were charged with consensual sexual penetration. The second boy, 16, was charged with statutory rape. All three have also been charged under the Sexual Offences and Film and Publication Act.

DURBAN SOUTH AFRICA - All 15 learners, some who are over-age, allegedly had group sex with the girl inside and outside the school.

On Wednesday, five of them appeared in the Durban Magistrate’s Court. Ten of them were released into the custody of their parents because they were under-age.Now the community is divided with one group of community members gunning for one of the teachers, who they say was at the forefront of the investigation by the school, which led to the arrests.

This group, which includes parents and family members of the suspects, blockaded the school entrance and closed the school using rubbish and blocks and are calling for the teacher to leave the school, claiming the boys are innocent.
“The girl is known to be loose. She willingly slept with all of them. Why didn’t she scream for help. She did it even outside the school,” said a parent who did not want to be named.

While some of the accused learners allegedly had group sex with her on school premises, others – some of them not pupils – allegedly did so outside the school premises.It is alleged that the school is in possession of written evidence that the girl agreed to have sex with one of the suspects who is her boyfriend, but he allegedly arranged for his friends to join the orgy.

Another learner said the teachers who reported the matter to the police must be protected from the parents of the suspects.“A lot of similar incidents happen at our schools and they get swept under the carpet. We are grateful that this has come out in the open,” she said.

THE GRAPHIC CLIP clearly shows a teen girl having sex with her classmate while sitting on his lap.

They are both still in their school uniform. The teenagers’ school uniform is identifiable on the video.
In the video, the boy’s pants are pulled down to his knees as he sits in a chair with one hand placed around the girl.

A few seconds into the recording the boy looks into the camera above him and smiles as the girl remains facing down. The boy can be heard talking to the girl, but it is not clear what he is saying to her.He’s also seen showing gang signs into the camera at the start and near the end of the recording.
The girl, who is dressed in a skirt and school jersey, leans over a desk as they began to have sex.

It is not clear if the kids used any protection.Towards the end of the video, the girl suddenly looks up, as if noticing the camera for the first time.

She quickly tries to hide her face in embarrassment, indicating that she did not know she was being filmed.While she seems shocked after discovering they were being watched, her male friend simply looks into the camera and smiles:

SCHOOL SEX VIDEO SOUTH AFRICA The video is believed to have been filmed in a principal’s office.

A mom, who approached the Daily Voice, says she got the shock of her life when her teenage daughter showed her a sex video on her cellphone.
A one-minute clip, which has been shared on WhatsApp for more than two weeks, shows a girl in school uniform having sex with an adult man on a desk in an office.

The daughter told her mom she knew the girl, a 15-year-old, and that the video was shot in the palie’s office. She said the man worked as the school’s security guard.

The upset mom says: “This is clearly a grown man using a school child for sex. What is this world coming to? Our girls are drawn in by promises of money, drugs and protection or they sell their bodies for the next hit.”

In another sex video which surfaced in the same week, a 13-year-old girl was having sex with four boys. According to the mother, these videos were posted on the internet and have been circulating among high school learners

A few weeks ago they were girls celebrating their matric results. Now, as university freshers, they are the targets in a competitive "sex" game.“Deeply disturbing traditions” exist at universities, says Kathleen Dey, director of Rape Crisis in Cape Town.“Older male students intentionally target first-year girls for sex and then compare notes.

Camp to prepare - They were supposed to go to the camp to prepare for their matric exams. But it appears preparing for a life of fun was more important for some girls, as they allegedly dumped their books and jumped the fence. THEY GAVE THE BOYS SPECIAL LESSONS THEY WILL REMEMBER FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES!

 Reports of horny teens stripping and poking at the Ingwe Lodge matric camp in Vanderbijlpark, Vaal, has an gered the Gauteng Department of Education. And liquor and drugs found in the possession of the pupils did not improve the situation.Phumla Sekhonyane, spokeswoman for the Gauteng Department of Education, confirmed that cases of misconduct against some pupils were reported. “The SGBs of the kids’ schools will have to take disciplinary measures against them,” she said.“We are still waiting for the detailed report from the director of the camp.”

The pupils at the lodge came from Tharabollo Secondary in Palm Springs and Prestigious Aurete Secondary School in Vanderbijlpark.But parents blame the Gauteng Education officials for lack of supervision.“It’s like our children were just taken there and dumped.It appears the kids had to take care of themselves without supervision,” a parent told Daily Sun. The senior officials who were at the camp didn’t look after the kids left them by themselves but I don’t expect they will be investigated because there are district officials involved.”

Daily Sun visited the camp last Friday and some matrics confirmed that pupils had stripped and two people were caught having sex in one of the rooms at the lodge.“We were told that the pupils were going to be sent home but they are still here,” said one pupil.Education officials at the camp refused to comment.

12 female Stellenbosch students decided it would be a good idea to sleep with as many men as possible on campus, and keep a log book of their exploits, awarding point for who you slept with. It’s not a competition, ladies…

The 12 Apostles, as they became lovingly known as, were eventually outed and kicked out of the university, left to roam the streets and spread their “free love” message to the world.

The destination of their club was to have however many adoration illicit relationships with male people as could reasonably be expected.

The young ladies had a log book each, in which they would keep a record of their sexual adventures. As indicated by the Sunday Times, the male learners were separated into classes and every given a specific number of focuses.

Doing the deed with a Theology learner would get you five focuses, while an undertaking with a restorative understudy would get you four focuses. A designing person would get two focuses, while an expressions scholar earned one and only point, and the rest were avoided.

The young ladies were inevitably asked to leave the college after the club went to the consideration of the school’s powers.

Sex test debilitated for the Lolitas of the Vaal (1981)

The residential community of Parys in the then Orange Free State was shaken by its own particular sex outrage when eight men were indicted under the Immorality Act for having intercourse with minors.

Folks in the town dreaded their girls would need to experience virginity tests. The embarrassment was revealed when a 14-year-old chose to sort her 21-year-old sweetheart a letter throughout her writing class. In it she stood up to him on his disloyalty while she was away on an excursion to Bloemfontein.

At the point when the educator asked to see what she was composing, the embarrassment was publicly exposed. One of the schoolgirls accumulated an arrangement of all the sexually dynamic young ladies at the school, and the vital began to “dispose of all the spoiled fruits in the school”.

One of the young ladies told the Sunday Times that things like this happened in light of the fact that there was nothing better to do in the town.

Odendaalsrus in the Free State played host to a massive scandal that saw young girls engaging in sex with older men for cigarettes and liquor, and some who were just doing it for the hell of it. The men were required to pay a R180 fine each or go to jail for 60 days.

It was only after girls started giggling and “acting funny” did teachers at Dede Secondary School realise they were excited over a sex orgy they had enjoyed the night before.

Five to 10 boys from Manyatta Secondary School are believed to have hiked 34 kilometres on Sunday night to the girls’ hostel housing about 100 students.

The educators and guardians of the girls’ morality had been clueless about the goings-on. Eleven girls were suspended. The boys left around 9pm after preps and upon arrival they sneaked into the girls’ dormitory.

It is believed the students organised the party through mobile phones, which are banned. It is also believed the midnight frolics are a regular occurrence.

“The orgy was planned by Form Four students who allowed the boys in the hostel, and only left after midnight,” a girl from St Mary Goretty’s told reporters.

The nursing student sex orgy that reportedly took place in a KwaZulu-Natal children’s ward was condemned by the South African Nursing Council on Friday.

The Sowetan reported that two female and three male trainee nurses were expelled after a mother comforting her sick child raised the alarm.

Unsettled by the “huffing and puffing”, she reported that she had witnessed the student nurses engaging in group sex at the Charles Johnson Memorial hospital in Nquthu, northern KwaZulu-Natal, a few days before Christmas.

A hospital investigation confirmed that the group did have sex in front of patients and after a suspension and a disciplinary hearing by the school, the students were expelled. They have appealed the expulsion.—Sapa

Two metro cops who allegedly used a cellphone to film an orgy with a 16-year-old Eldorado Park schoolgirl have been fired, the early edition of the Saturday Star said on Friday.

Metro's director of operations, David Thembe, said Vaughn Dooms, 22, and Kester de Vos, 24, were dismissed on Wednesday for bringing the City of Johannesburg into disrepute.

The two were arrested in May 2006 for allegedly contravening the Films and Publication Act by making child pornography.They were accUsed of filming themselves on a cellphone camera having a drunken orgy with an Eldorado Park teenager who was allegedly drugged and conned into taking part.

The footage was distributed on the Internet and made its way to girl's school playground."These officers were trusted in law enforcement and we condemn their behaviour... They've lost their salaries, benefits, uniforms, badge and guns. They are police officers no more," said Thembe.

He acknowledged that the inquiry had been underway since September last year and blamed "due process" for the time taken to dismiss the men. Dooms told the weekend newspaper on Friday that he would miss his job as a police officer.

The men will appear again next Friday in the Protea magistrate's court in Soweto. - Sapa

The Mpumalanga department of education is investigating Hillside Private School, where a former teacher alleges Grade 11 pupils filmed themselves having sex to sell the footage for cash.

Former teacher Johan Duvenhage says alcohol and drug abuse is a regular occurrence at the institution, where some teachers haven’t been paid for four months, Middelburg Observer reports.

He further alleges that the school’s self-appointed “director”, Joseph Sebotse, deduct UIF and tax from teachers, but fail to pay it to the authorities. Duvenhage says foreign, unqualified teachers are appointed by Sebotse in order for him to pay salaries below departmental benchmarks.

“Children fight over chairs and move the chairs with them from class to class due to a shortage,” Duvenhage claims. He further alleges that sanitary pads are thrown into open boxes at the entrance to the school.

Duvenhage says he personally pleaded with a teacher of Hoërskool Middelburg to teach technical drawing to the pupils after hours, as a teacher was never appointed. The teacher agreed, but left after the school also failed to pay him.

Sebotse denied all the allegations but the department nonetheless launched an investigation after receiving a letter of complaint from Duvenhage, who also petitioned the education ministry to intervene. Departmental spokesperson Jasper Zwane confirmed the investigation.


Sowetan  9 Dec 2014 Leonie Wagner

PUPILS at a Johannesburg high school have been captured in a shocking video having sex, fighting in a classroom and sniffing white powder suspected to be drugs on a school desk. The four-minute video clip, titled Yizo Yizo the return CJB, shows – pupils of Chris J Botha Secondary School in Bosmont, western Johannesburg, recreating graphic scenes from the controversial school-based drama series Yizo Yizo.

The clip – purporting to be a trailer for a film set to be released two weeks ago – has been widely shared on social media since last month, even by pupils at other schools.

It consists of pictures and videos set to the 2002 song Ghetto Fabulous featured in the series Yizo Yizo , which aired on SABC1 more than a decade ago. The TV show dealt with issues such as rape, violence, drug dealing, harassment and a school on the verge of anarchy.

The video clip also shows a wild party in the boys’ bathroom and someone who appears to be a teacher sleeping on a desk. In one scene a pupil is seen standing on a teacher’s desk with the words “Grandma is not here” appearing above his head.

In another a teacher walks into a classroom and shortly after she leaves again, the camera turns to a boy ’ s genitals. Then the mayhem continues with pupils dancing on desks.

Gauteng education spokeswoman Phumla Sekhonyane said the department was conducting an investigation to establish the “certainty of the facts” regarding the video. “The department will also take action to protect children from all forms of abuse and neglect,” Sekhonyane said.

Chris J Botha Secondary principal, Hagan Godfrey, said he was “disgusted ” by the video. He said disciplinary measures were being taken against the 18 pupils appearing in the video. Godfrey said he had confronted the teacher who was seemingly caught sleeping and she said she had been feeling ill and “rested her eyes during her free time”.

He said he also spoke to the pupils in the video and they had various excuses, including that the pictures were not taken on school premises and the white powder being sniffed had been chalk dust.

Godfrey said police conducted regular drug raids at the school. “We are sitting on a ticking time bomb,” he said.

“My biggest challenge is keeping the drugs in the community out of the school,” he said. A Grade 10 pupil at the school who asked not to be named for fear of reprisals yesterday said: “I know what ’ s going on in the school but nobody bothers to change it. It’s not right and a teacher sleeping in class is normal.”

Children as young as six are having sex at a Folweni school. That was the disturbing news given to parents at a school meeting in Folweni on Thursday, as teachers took the initiative in an attempt to stem a growing problem in their primary school.

During the meeting, teachers told parents that their lower primary learners were having sex and imitating sexual movements either with their clothes on, or in some cases, naked from the waist down.

One of the teachers, Sibongile Mbense, said she had caught five and seven-year-olds having sex behind the school building when they thought no-one was looking. "When I asked them what they were doing they couldn't say and one of them told me they were doing what they saw on TV," she said.
The independent online

Ladies you might wanna think twice when he says the word "SEXTAPE" Two students of Cape Peninsula University Of Technology ,South Africa has been expelled for making a sextape. The video found its way to the school authorities, How? Well, Nobody knows.

South African High School Student Sex Video Leaked. This is a leaked video of a lecturer caught on tape abusing a female student in his office.
The lecturer was chatting with his female student on how he could help her improve her grades and totally forgot to turn off the laptop camera and after he discovered what has happened, he deleted the video from video folder on his laptop but forgot to do same in the recycle bin. He later gave his Laptop Out and the Video found its way out courtesy of other Students

Cape Town - The Western Cape Education Department is investigating shocking video footage of pupils having sex in the back of a classroom.

The Daily Voice handed over the video clip to the authorities after a concerned parent brought it to our attention. here are fears that the video – which clearly shows a boy and girl, who look in their early teens, having sexual intercourse – has now gone viral among students in Cape Town.

FOR the past nine years, this school has had problems with pupils having sex in classrooms.And the number of pregnant girls at the school in Cosmo City, west of Joburg, has been rising steadily.

A former pupil who didn't want to be named said the problem has been going on for a long time. "We're surprised the media hasn't exposed this yet. Videos of boys and girls having sex in classrooms and toilets have gone viral. Sex is part of the school's culture," the pupil said.

The news crew spoke to a number of sources who confirmed there was a crisis at the school

"Every afternoon after the teachers have left, pupils have sex. There are condoms scattered everywhere," said one source.

Welkom - A 16-year-old Virginia schoolgirl and a 42-year-old Welkom man are being charged with sexual offences relating to the manufacturing, distribution and possession of child pornography, after they sent naked pictures as well as videos of sex acts to each other by cellphone.

The parents of the teenager found the pictures on her phone after taking away the mobile to punish her for walking out of church, reported Volksblad.

The girl’s parents, who live on a farm outside Virigina, found the graphic photographs as well as conversations and the number of the man, who owns a club in Welkom. There were also pictures that she had sent to at least two schoolboys.

The man claims he didn’t know the girl was underage, but said he knew she was still at school.

BOKSBURG, 17 September 2015 - A teenage girl is dealing with the consequences after she allowed her boyfriend to take naked pictures of her. She was forced to drop out of school after sexually explicit images of her were circulated at school.


Allegedly engaged in sexual activity with female pupils at the school Boys at a Pietermaritzburg high school who were caught in a girls’ dormitory have been suspended from boarding at the school, the KwaZulu-Natal education department said on Thursday.

“The learners were only suspended from the hostel; they are allowed to continue with normal schooling,” department spokeswoman Mbali Thusi said. The pupils are from Sukuma Comprehensive High School in Imbali township outside Pietermaritzburg.

Twenty-two boys were found in the girls’ hostel on August 6, which was in breach of the hostel rules.
They allegedly engaged in sexual activity with female pupils at the school. On Wednesday the pupils and their parents were called to a meeting where the decision to suspend them was taken.

Thusi stressed that despite suspicions, there was no evidence that they were caught having sex. “Further investigations are still continuing including getting information from the housekeepers who were on duty during this period to give an account of what had happened,” she said.

Evidence has been provided that a teacher, Madelene De Lange Holtzhausen, has been abusing young male students for an extended period of time. The teacher has sought to intimidate the students into having sex after school hours, sending money and airtime, and buying gifts for the victims. Students are embarrassed, ashamed, and bullied into a relationship with Holtzhausen.

By contacting several students via social media, namely WhatsApp and Facebook, Holtzhausen would have explicit sexual conversations. One student, whose name cannot be identified for protection, could not endure the relationship and sought help. Since exposing the teacher, Holtzhausen, a mother of two boys, disabled her Facebook account.


Johannesburg - The 15-year-old Jules High School girl who accused her schoolmates of gang-raping her, has said the sex was consensual, the Star newspaper reported on Thursday.

"The girl made her second brief appearance in the Magistrate’s Court on Thursday morning and admitted, for the first time, that she had consensual sex with the two boys aged 14 and 16," the newspaper said on its website.

The three were charged with statutory rape by the national director of public prosecutions Advocate Menzi Simelane on Wednesday.  Simelane is quoted as saying the prosecution team, based on evidence, could not prosecute the boys on the main count of rape and recommended statutory rape charges.

Changed her mind
During their first appearance in the Johannesburg Magistrate's Court on Wednesday the boys admitted to their role in the consensual sex and the girl maintained that she had been raped.

On Thursday morning during her second appearance the girl changed her mind and agreed that the sex was consensual.The two boys were arrested on November 8 after allegedly raping the girl at her school in Jeppestown on November 4. They allegedly filmed the incident on their cellphones which was later shown to prosecutors as evidence.

Her case and the boys' case have been postponed until December 1 for a final order, IOL said. All three have been placed on a diversion programme.

There is no specific prohibition in the Bible against sex between an unmarried man and unmarried woman. However, "sexual immorality" is denounced in about 25 passages in the New Testament. The word translated as "sexual immorality" or "fornication" in English versions of the Bible is the Greek word porneia, which means "illicit sexual intercourse."


 [Jesus] said:
(NRSV, Mark 7:20-23)  "It is what comes out of a person that defiles. For it is from within, from the human heart, that evil intentions come: fornication, theft, murder, adultery, avarice, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, envy, slander, pride, folly. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person."

 The apostle Paul wrote these verses:
(NIV, Galatians 5:19-21) The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

(TNIV, 1 Corinthians 6:18-20) Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins people commit are outside their bodies, but those who sin sexually sin against their own bodies. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honour God with your bodies.

In our sex-saturated culture, many unmarried people, especially teenagers, feel pressured to be sexually active. The temptations now may be greater than ever because people are delaying marriage until their late 20s or 30s. However, the Bible consistently teaches self-control rather than self-indulgence (Galatians 5:19-24, 1 Corinthians 10:13). In Biblical teachings, the privilege of having sex requires the commitment of marriage. Sexually-transmitted diseases, unintended pregnancy, and emotional pain are too often the price paid for sex without marriage.

But it’s not important what men say or what so called experts say, what does your Creator, the Lord God says? It is wrong. It is harmful.

Sex is like nuclear energy. Within a contained enjoinment very useful, outside disastrous, harmful and dangerous.

Virgin to a FWB after been mocked: “I can easily become like you, you can never again become like me.”

Some people try thing ring thing. Wear a ring to remind them to stay without sex until married. It might work for some, but a study has found that the majority that tried it failed and got back in to a sexual lifestyle before marriage.

The solution to this disillusioned lifestyle is the Christian gospel. A Gospel of forgiveness and restoration.






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